Publication List of Kishio Laboratory in 1997
- "Thermoelectric Power of (Hg,Re)-based Superconductor"
- K. Komori, H. Sumioka, A. Yoshikawa, J. Shimoyama, H. Ikuta and K. Kishio
- Physica C282-287, 1269-1270 (1997)
- "Crystal growth of (Hg,Re)Ba2Ca(n-1)CunOy"
- A. Yoshikawa, H. Sumioka, J. Shimoyama, J. Akimoto, H. Horiuchi, Y. Oosawa,
K. Kitazawa and K.Kishio
- Chinese Low Temp. Phys. 19, 32-35 (1997)
- "Synthesis of YSr2Cu3Oy under Ambient Pressure"
- T. Motohashi, A. Yoshikawa, J. Shimoyama and K. Kishio
- Physica C282-287, 515-516 (1997)
- "High Critical Current Density in the Heavily Pb-Doped Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+
Superconductor : Generation of Novel Pinning Centers"
- I. Chong, Z. Hiroi, M. Izumi, J. Shimoyama, Y. Nakayama, K. Kishio, T.
Terashima, Y. Bando and M. Takano
- Science, 276, 770-773 (1997).
- "Strong Flux Pinning up to Liquid Nitrogen Temperature Discovered in Heavily
Pb-Doped and Oxygen Controlled Bi2212 Single Crystals"
- J. Shimoyama, Y. Nakayama, K. Kitazawa, K. Kishio, Z. Hiroi, I. Chong and M.
- Physica C281, 69-75 (1997).
- "Extremely Large Enhancement of Flux Pinning Strength in the Heavily
Pb-Doped Bi2212 Single Crystals"
- K. Kishio, J. Shimoyama, Y. Nakayama, K. Kitazawa, Z. Hiroi, I. Chong and M.
- Proc. of ISTEC Workshop '97, June 15-18 (1997), Hawaii, U.S.A.,
- "Universal Scaling Laws in the H-T Phase Diagram of the High Temperature
- K. Kitazawa, J. Shimoyama, H. Ikuta, S. Watauchi, M. Okuya, T. Sasagawa and
K. Kishio
- Physica C282-287, 335-338 (1997)
- "Chemical Doping and Improving Flux Pinning Properties of Hg- and Bi- Based
- J. Shimoyama, K. Kishio, K. Komori, A. Yoshikawa, Y. Nakayama, K. Kitazawa,
I. Chong, Z. Hiroi and M. Takano
- Chinese Low Temp. Phys. 19, 48-51 (1997)
- "The Second Peak Effect Observed in Sr-Overdoped (La1-xSrx)2CuO4- Single
Crystals with Various Oxygen Deficiency "
- M. Okuya, T. Sasagawa, H. Ikuta, J. Shimoyama, K. Kishio and K. Kitazawa
- Physica C282-287, 2239-2240 (1997)
- "Nernst Effect in the Mixed State of YBa2Cu3Oy- and Bi2.1Sr1.8CaCu2O8+"
- T. Sasaki, K. Yamada, K. Watanabe, S. Watauchi, K. Kishio and N. Kobayashi
- Physica C282-287, 2009-2010 (1997)
- "The Vortex Phase Diagram of Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy Investigated by the Resistivity
- H. Ikuta, S. Watauchi, Y. Nakayama, J. Shimoyama, K. Kitazawa and K. Kishio
- Physica C282-287, 2015-2016 (1997)
- "The Universal Magnetic Phase Diagram of Bi2212 under H//c"
- J. Shimoyama, K. Kishio, H. Ikuta, S. Watauchi, M. Okuya and K. Kitazawa
- Physica C282-287, 2055-2056 (1997)
- "RF Response of Along-Plane Vortices in Bi2Sr2CaCu2Oy"
- H. Haneda, T. Ishiguro, S. Watauchi, J. Shimoyama and K. Kishio
- Physica C282-287, 2323-2324 (1997)
- "Effect of High-Energy Heavy-Ion Irradiation on the Critical Current Density
of Bi-2212 Single Crystals"
- T. Terai, Y. Ito, K. Kishio, J. Shimoyama, S. Okayasu and Y. Kazumata
- Proc. of 9th Intnl. Symp. Superconductivity (ISS'96), Oct.21-24 (1996),
Sapporo, Japan; "Advances in Superconductivity IX", Springer-Verlag Tokyo,
pp.555-558 (1997).
- "Change in Superconducting Properties of Bi2212 Single Crystal Due to Fast
Neutron Irradiation Followed by Thermal Annealing"
- T. Terai, T. Kibayashi, Y. Ito, K. Kishio, J. Shimoyama
- Proc. of 9th Intnl. Symp. Superconductivity (ISS'96), Oct.21-24 (1996),
Sapporo, Japan; "Advances in Superconductivity IX", Springer-Verlag Tokyo,
pp.563-566 (1997).
- "Changes in Superconducting Properties and Crystal Structure of Bi-2212
Single Crystal due to Fast Neutron Irradiation Followed by Thermal Annealing"
- T. Terai, T. Kobayashi, Y. Ito, K. Kishio and J. Shimoyama
- Physica C282-287, 2285-2286 (1997)
- "Effect of High-Energy Heavy-Ion Irradiation on the Critical Current Density
of Bi-2212 Single Crystals"
- T. Terai, T. Kobayashi, K. Kishio, J. Shimoyama, S. Okayasu and Y. Kazumata
- Physica C282-287, 2135-2136 (1997)
- "Comparative Study of the Flux Pinning by Columnar Defects in High-Tc
- N. Chikumoto, M. Konczykowski, K. Kishio and M. Murakami
- Physica C282-287, 2143-2144 (1997)
- "Interlayer Phase Coherence in the Vortex State of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ Proved by
Josephson Plasma Resonance"
- Y. Matsuda, M. B. Gaifullin, M. Kosugi, K. Kumagai, K. Hirata, N. Chikumoto,
M. Konczykowski, S. Watauchi, J. Shimoyama and K. Kishio
- Physica C282-287, 391-394 (1997)
- "Influence of Columnar Defects on the Interlayer Coherence in
Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ from Josephson Plasma Resonance"
- M. Kosugi, Y. Matsuda, M.B. Gaifullin, K. Kumagai, N. Chikumoto, J.
Shimoyama, K. Kishio, K. Hirata and M. Konczykowski
- Physica C282-287, 2073-2074 (1997)
- "Josephson plasma resonance and anomalous hysteresis in the vortex lock-in
state in Bi2Sr2CaCuO8+"
- O. K. C. Tsui, S. P. Bayrakci, N. P. Ong, K. Kishio, S. Watauchi
- Physica C293, 259-263 (1997)
- "Interlayer Josephson coupling of Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ with columnar defects
proved by plasma resonance"
- M. Kosugi, Y. Matsuda, M. B. Gaifullin, K. Kumagai, N. Chikumoto, J.
Shimoyama, K. Kishio, K. Hirata, M. Konczykowski
- Physica C293, 208-211 (1997)
- "Coupling transition on the vortex liquid in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ with columnar
- M. Kosugi, Y. Matsuda, M. B. Gaifullin, L. N. Bulaevskii, N. Chikumoto, M.
Koznczykowski, J. Shimoyama, K. Kishio, K. Hirata, K. Kumagai
- Phys. Rev. Lett., 79 3763-3766 (1997)
- "Anomalous hysteresis in the Josephson plasma resonance of Bi2Sr2CaCuO8+
FIR fields close to alignment with the ab plane"
- Ophelia K. C. Tsui, Sibel P. Bayrakci, N. P. Ong, K. Kishio, S. Watauchi
- Phys. Rev. B56, R2948-R2951 (1997)
- "Contrasting Low-Temperature Normal-State Resistivities of High-Tc Cuprates"
- G. S. Boebinger, Y. Ando, A. Passner, T. Kimura, M. Okuya, J. Shimoyama, K.
Kishio, K. Tamasaku, N. Ichikawa, S. Uchida, N. L. Wang, C. Geibel and F.
- Proc. of 9th Intnl. Symp. Superconductivity (ISS'96), Oct.21-24 (1996),
Sapporo, Japan; "Advances in Superconductivity IX", Springer-Verlag Tokyo,
pp.63-68 (1997).
- "Variations of normal state resistivity and Cu2+ localized spin moment in
the single crystal Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x"
- X. -G. Li, X. Sun, W. Wu, Q. Chen, L. Shi, Y. Zhang, Y. Kotaka, K. Kishio
- Physica C279, 233-240 (1997)
- "Low-Temperature Normal-State Resistivity of High-Tc Cuprates"
- Y. Ando, G.S. Boebinger, A. Passner, N.J. Wang, C. Feibel, F. Steglich, T.
Kimura, M. Okuya, J. Shimoyama, K. Kishio, T. Tamasaku, N. Ichikawa and S.
- Physica C282-287, 240-243 (1997)
- "Resistive State of Intrinsic Josephson Junction in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ and
Insight into Normal State of High-Tc Superconductors"
- J. Takeya, S. Akita, S. Watauchi, J. Shimoyama and K. Kishio
- Physica C282-287, 2439-2440 (1997)
- "Local Variation of Electronic Structure in BiSrCaCuO Investigated by
Cryogenic STM/STS"
- K. KitazawaCT. HasegawaCT. Taneda, S. Matsuura, T. Endo, H. Sugawara, J.
Shimoyama and K. Kishio
- Physica C282-287, 1479-1480 (1997)
- "IcRn of intrinsic Josephson junctions comparable to gap voltage: a result
of I-V measurements with minimized self-heating"
- J. Takeya, S. Akita, S. Watauchi, J. Shimoyama, K. Kishio
- Physica C293, 220-223 (1997)
- "Chemical potential shift in overdoped and underdoped La2-xSrxCuO4"
- A. Ino, T. Mizokawa, A. Fujimori, K. Tamasaku, H. Eisaki, S. Uchida, T.
Kimura, T. Sasagawa, K. Kishio
- Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 2101-2104 (1997)