International meetings 2003
M2S-HTSC: 7th International Conference on Materials and Mechanisms of Superconductivity
(May 25-30, Rio Convention Center)
- "Electromagnetic Properties, and Vortex Phase Diagrams of Triple CuO2Layer
Cuprates, Hg(Re)1223 and Bi2223 Crystals with Tc Over 100K"
K. Kishio, S. Horii, S. Ueda, K. Shimizu and J. Shimoyama
"Critical Current Properties of Nd-Rich NdBa2Cu3Oy Single Crystals"
T. Maruyama, S. Horii, J. Shimoyama and K. Kishio
"Enhanced Flux Pinning Properties of Bi(Pb)2212 Single Crystals"
M. Shigemori, T. Okabe, S. Uchida, T. Sugioka, J. Shimoyama, S. Horiiand
K. Kishio
11th International Workshop on Critical Current
(July 29-31, Nihon University)
- "Enhanced Critical Current Properties Observed in Na2Co3 Doped MgB2"
S. Ueda, J. Shimoyama, A. Yamamoto, S. Horii and K. Kishio
The 22nd International Conference on Thermoelectrics(ICT2003)ITS(International Thermoelectric Society) Home
(August 17-24 @ La Grande Motte, France)
P2A59 Thermoelectric properties of grain-aligned Ca-based cobaltites by a magneto-scientific method
S. Horii, I. Matsubara, K. Fujie, W. Shin, N. Murayama, J. Shimoyama, and K. Kishio
6th European Conference on Applied Superconductivity (EUCAS2003)
(September 14-18 @ Sorrent Palace Hotel, Italy)
- Excellent Critical Current Performance Observed in Single Crystals
of Bi-based Cuprates Grown by a Newly Developed Laser Floating Zone
T. Sugioka, M. Shigemori, T. Okabe, S. Horii,
J. Shimoyama and K. Kishio
- Fabrication and Microstructure of Hg(Re)1223 Tapes
K. Kameno, S. Horii, J. Shimoyama, K. Kishio
- Introduction of Effective Pinning Sites in Bi(Pb)2212 Single
Crystals by Chemical Doping
J. Shimoyama, M. Shigemori, S. Uchida, T. Sugioka,
T. Okabe, S. Horii and K. Kishio
5th International Meeting of Pacific Rim Ceramic Societies
(September 29 - October 2 @Nagoya Congress Center)
- "Determining Factors of Critical Current Properties of High Tc Superconductors"
J. Shimoyama
- "Improved Thermoelectric Properties of Layered Cobaltites by Selective
J. Shimoyama, K. Fujie, S. Horii and K. Kishio
(October 8-13 @Pacifico Yokohama)
- "Properties of Tri-layered Bi2223 and Hg1223 HTSC Over Tc=100K and
the Implication"(INVITED)
*K. kishio, S. Horii and J. Shimoyama
ISS2003: 16th International Workshop on Superconductivity
(October 27-29 @ National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba)
- "Post-Annealing Effects of Superconducting Properties on ErBa2Cu3OyFilms
Fabricated by Pulsed Laser Deposition "
S. Horii, M. Mukaida, K. Matsumoto, T. Ohazama, A. Ichinose, Y. Yoshida,
J. Shimoyama, and K. Kishio
- "Dramatic Effect of Metal Carbonate Doping on Flux Pinning Properties
of MgB2"
S. Ueda, J. Shimoyama, A. Yamamoto, Y. Katsura, H. Horii, and K. Kishio
11th Japan-US Workshop on High-Tc Superconductors:
(November 1-2 @Shonan Village)
- "Crystal growth of HTSC by a new laser floating-zone technique under
magnetic field" K. Kishio
- "Control of anisotropy and flux pinning properties of Bi2223 single
crystals andBi(Pb)2223 tapes by chemical methods"
J. Shimoyama
MRS2003: Materials Reseach Society Fall Meeting
December 1-5, Hynes Convention Center, Boston
- "Enhancement of Flux Pinning Properties on Impurity-Doped Bi(Pb)2212Single
S. Horii, M. Shigemori, S. Uchida, S. Sugioka, J. Shimoyama and K.Kishio
- "Effect of High Valence Metal Doping on Thermoelectric Properties
K. Fujie, S. Horii, J. Shimoyama, I. Matsubara, W. Shin, N. Murayama, K.Otzschi,
and K. Kishio